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Iglesia de Dios

  • by United Church of God
God makes people from all races and ages and from both sexes as one body of believers. We fellowship as the family of God. But how does this godly fellowship begin?
  • by United Church of God
With so many churches teaching so many different things, how can one identify those who remain faithful to Christ's original teachings? With the world so heavily influenced by Satan and a counterfeit Christianity, how can one find the truth?
  • by United Church of God
To most people, a church is a building where people meet. But in Scripture, the word refers to a group of people—those called to follow Jesus Christ. It's important that we understand the spiritual heritage of these people special to God.
  • by United Church of God
Jesus Christ said that He would build His Church and that it would never die out. Is today's Christianity, with its hundreds of denominations with widely differing beliefs and practices, the Church Jesus promised that He would build?
  • by United Church of God
Participation in the Church (assembly of believers) Jesus founded through supporting its mission and Christian fellowship—communicating and interacting with other members—is a priceless tool for personal and collective growth. 
  • by United Church of God
The following questions are intended as a study aid, to spur further thought on the concepts discussed in this lesson and help you apply them personally.
  • by United Church of God
The following questions are intended as a study aid to spur further thought on the concepts discussed in this lesson and help you personally apply them.
  • by United Church of God
Is God calling you to His Church, to participate in its important work?
  • by United Church of God
Today God's truth continues to go out free of charge to those who request it. Let's look at the biblical example for financing the work of preaching and publishing the good news.
  • by United Church of God
God's love is like a mother's love for her children, but God's love goes much deeper. God's true Church conducts herself as a caring mother toward her children.
  • by United Church of God
Church is the English translation of the Greek word ekklesia. The use of the Greek term prior to the emergence of the Christian church is important as two streams of meaning flow from the history of its usage into the New Testament understanding of church.
  • by United Church of God
The Bible shows that God's Church is to be the Bride of Christ. Let's see what that means both now and in the future.